How to avoid stress at work
Unfortunately “being stressed at work” is a very common problem in the XXI century. This is the reason why we should try to avoid it or at least get rid of it as fast as possible because it can have serious consequences on our life.
For the beginning, let’s see which are the main elements that create a stressful work environment:
• the lack of time management;
• often conflicts with your mates;
• the feeling that you have too much work to do;
• too many or too little responsibilities;
• the incapacity to show your qualities;
• boredom;
• the lack of collaboration when it comes to your chiefs;
• you are not promoted after accomplishing a very hard task.
Nervous exhaustion
The fact that the perfect job doesn’t exist is more than clear. No matter the career you choose or the place where you work, your expectations will diminish when you will be in contact with reality.
Instead of enjoying a full of rewards job you end by having a boring, meaningless one. After a while, stress appears and the negative feelings towards work are emphasized.
Nervous exhaustion represents a process which is characterised by the loss of interest of a person towards its job. You shouldn’t confound stress with nervous exhaustion. Stress represents a consequence of long exposure to stressful work conditions.
There are 3 signs which characterise nervous exhaustion:
1. Pessimism and disappointment concerning work because you become more tired, frustrated and bored as time passes.
2. Isolation – you start to avoid any kind of contact with your mates; you feel angry, it’s hard for you to focus on a problem and you feel very exhausted in both physical and mind aspects.
3. You lose any interest towards work, you underestimate yourself and you stop communicating to other people.
How to eliminate nervous exhaustion?
Methods in order to change your behavior and the inner mood exist so let’s take a short look on them:
• Express you feelings. You should avoid isolation by communicating your feelings to your mates. The change of feelings can reduce stress and can make you obtain a new perspective on things;
• Plan your time so that you have time a moment of relaxation; you should also try to do activities that are not related to work in the meal or coffee pauses;
• Learn to say NO, decline those extra-tasks which create a stressful mood. In this way you will feel more satisfied and self–assured because you have the chance to choose the tasks you want to accomplish;
• Develop yourself; you should take part to all kind of trainings which will keep you in touch with the news concerning your professional domain;
• Fight for success. You should look for new challenges, take risks because in this way you will avoid nervous exhaustion;
•learnhow to relax yourself- you should have a moment for yourself every day in order to obtain a positive mood. This will help you solve easier the unpleasant situations which occur day by day.