Monday, August 10, 2009

How to relax yourself

By Imam Jabar   Posted at  2:34 AM   Tips No comments
How to relax yourself

How to relax yourself
The first step in order to relax yourself is to sleep a lot. Sleeping is the most important thing when you want to feel better. In order to get accustomed, go to bed at the same hour every day and sleep the number of hours your body needs. In order to sleep well, a good bath is the best remedy. Be careful, a temperature of minimum 37 grades will do no good to your skin. Add some drops of relaxing plants oil in the water because they will relax you even more. If your feet hurt, salve them with a special milk which can be used even at the office, under the delicate stocking.

Save some days of your holiday for periods when stress and tiredness become unendurable.

Don’t forget!
Before you enter the bath, inhale deep the perfumed emanations that rise up together with the steams. These emanations represent a good manner of relaxation.

Your feet also need a special care, so a massage would be more than welcomed.

How to avoid stress at work

By Imam Jabar   Posted at  2:31 AM   Tips No comments
How to avoid stress at work

How to avoid stress at work

Unfortunately “being stressed at work” is a very common problem in the XXI century. This is the reason why we should try to avoid it or at least get rid of it as fast as possible because it can have serious consequences on our life.

For the beginning, let’s see which are the main elements that create a stressful work environment:

• the lack of time management;
• often conflicts with your mates;
• the feeling that you have too much work to do;
• too many or too little responsibilities;
• the incapacity to show your qualities;
• boredom;
• the lack of collaboration when it comes to your chiefs;
• you are not promoted after accomplishing a very hard task.

How do you know that you are pregnant?

By Imam Jabar   Posted at  2:31 AM   Tips No comments
How do you know that you are pregnant?

How do you know that you are pregnant?

Some say that every woman knows when she’s pregnant because of a certain sixth sense she posses. But if you’re not so lucky to be aware when you are pregnant and an assumption is all you have, “listen” to the signs that your body gives you even before having a pregnancy test or going to the gynecologist. Which are these signs?

The first one is well known by each of us: the delay of menstruation. Many of us believe that if the menstruation still exists we are surely not pregnant. This idea is often incorrect. It is very possible the menstruation to exist for two-three months in little quantities than usually and the pregnancy to have already appeared.

One of the clearest signs that you are pregnant is a visible change of your breasts; they become even bigger than they were before the period of menstruation and they ache. Most women confuse this ache of the breasts with the one they have before menstruation comes. In order to avoid this kind of confusion you should know very well your body.

10 tips to get rid of acne

By Imam Jabar   Posted at  2:25 AM   Tips No comments
10 tips to get rid off acne
Acne is one of the most common complexion problems and it inevitably affects everyone’s life at a certain moment. It can appear at any age, although teenagers are the most affected by it as it can cause them anxiety and disturbance. Acne is a skin inflammation that generates the appearance of pimples and black points. Acne appears from an extra secretion of the sebum glands and is present especially at teenagers. Dehydration and sebum can cause the close of pores creating the proper environment for food, stress and hygiene have a small contribution to acne appearance. Feminine hormones can cause it’s appearance during the period or during pregnancy.

How to get rid of acne? Here are some tips which might help you win the “battle” with acne.

1. A careful wash is important although too much can irritate pimples causing further infection.

2. Use a gentle shower gel or a special soap created for acne problems.

3. Exfoliation is also important as it removes the death skin layers. After cleaning the face with a delicate soap use an exfoliating mask at least once or two / week. It helps you reduce the death skin cells and clean the pores.

12 tips for pregnant women during summer

By Imam Jabar   Posted at  2:25 AM   Tips No comments
12 tips for pregnant women during summer

Pregnant women endure warmth harder because of the progesterone hormone and of the heat emitted by the fetus. In this case, let’s find out some tips which will help pregnant women during a hot summer.

-Don’t risk dehydration, drink as much liquids as possible (water, tea) and eat vegetables which contain a big amount of water.

-In order to refresh yourself, take a warmish shower and wrap yourself up with a towel taken from the fridge. If you are on vacation, let some cold water fall on your joint.

-Wear comfortable clothes, made from silk. Don’t wear synthetic clothes as they warm up easy.

-Don’t you ever forget the fan. It will help you feel more comfortable on hot summer days.

-Wear roman style sandals or some with less straps as they let the feet free to “breath”.

-Use a refreshing spray which contains menthol, eucalypt or any other fresh aroma.

5 tips to protect your eye sight

By Imam Jabar   Posted at  2:24 AM   Tips No comments
5 tips to protect your eye sight
More than ever nowadays we use our eyes to see images at the computer, at the TV or in our mobile phone. All these activities damage our eye sight. Let’s see some tips recommended by the doctors in order to protect them.

Drink juice that protects the eyes health
A Chinese remedy to protect the eyes consists of a juice prepared from fallow, parsley and mint. The antioxidants from these three ingredients are great for protecting your eyes from the electronic devices radiations cells. Find out other natural juice recipes and drink them.

Eat for your eyes health
Let nature improve your eye sight by eating the most nourishing food. Spinach, cabbage, pumpkin, turnip cabbage, maize or pea help the eyes maintain their health by containing vitamin A.

Hydrate yourself
Efficient hydration helps your eyes maintain their beauty and health. Drink at least 8 glasses of water/day.

6 tips to kill flu

By Imam Jabar   Posted at  2:02 AM   Tips No comments
6 tips to kill flu
Until a real treatment against flu is invented, why not use these tips?

Don’t blow your nose
As weird as it may seem, by doing this it generates the inflammation of a sinus. The best solution to solve the bottomed nose problem is to easily blow each nostril or to use a special product from the drugstore.

Don’t postpone the fitness session
A study revealed the fact that cold doesn’t affect the capacity to physical activity. It seems that all those that choose to continue doing this, recover faster than those that interrupt any fitness activity. The symptoms are alleviated.

Avoid dry air
Studies reveal that cold spreads better in dry air. When the quantity of water in the air is low, the virus survives more time. If air in your house is too dry, buy a humidity maker device.

Pemenang The Master Junior Pertama

By Imam Jabar   Posted at  1:21 AM   No comments
Minggu pada tanggal 9 Agustus Pemenang The Master Junior Pertama adalah Glen. Glen berhasil mencuri perhatian pemirsa dengan meraih sms 59,73 %. Glen tampil bersama mentor Rhomendal memang tampil mempesona. Namun Double D juga tidak kalah bagusnya mereka tampil bersama mentor Aldi Sungkar dan meraih 40,27 %!! Tetapi pemenangnya hanya satu dan Glen berhasil menjadi The Master Junior Pertama.

Selamat buat Glen yang jadi pemenang the master junior pertama

Top 10 Health Tips in your daily life to stay beautiful on the inside and outside

By Imam Jabar   Posted at  12:21 AM   Tips No comments
1.Follow A Healthy, Balanced Diet: A balanced diet is the first step towards a beautiful, healthy body. Follow a healthy balanced diet that complements your lifestyle. An ideal diet should be high on fiber, low on fat, and must be supplemented with adequate amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables. Besides knowing what to eat, it is equally important to know the right proportions, meaning how much or how little to eat. Talk to a fitness expert and find out what's your daily calorie intake. Make food choices that have high nutritional value but are low in calories.

2.Eat Different Types Of Foods: According to Ayurveda, the Ancient Indian science of healing, rotating your food habits not only strengthens your immune system, it can also protect you from most illnesses. Try to eat vegetables and fruits of different colors each day. Try eating a different food at least thrice a month. Begin your day with an apple a day as the apple pectin cleanses the body's digestive system by removing toxins and therefore preventing degenerative health problems such as cancer.

3.Don't Skip Your Breakfast: Are you surprised to see how some people manage to stay so fit, energetic and active the whole time and are able to stabilize their weight while you continue to put on weight and feel exhausted most of the time? Well, chances are, they eat a good breakfast and you don't! According to nutritionists and health experts, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and skipping your breakfast can lead to serious health problems besides adding those extra pounds as a result of binging on unhealthy snacks later in the day. Besides re-charging your energy levels, eating regular breakfast has several long-term benefits like:

10 Tips for Mental Health

By Imam Jabar   Posted at  12:19 AM   Tips No comments
1. Build Confidence
Identify your abilities and weaknesses together, accept them build on them and do the best with what you have.

2. Eat right, Keep fit
A balanced diet, exercise and rest can help you to reduce stress and enjoy life.

3. Make Time for Family and Friends
These relationships need to be nurtured; if taken for granted they will not be there to share life's joys and sorrows.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

10 Essential Health Tips

By Imam Jabar   Posted at  11:58 PM   Tips No comments
1. Move MoreMake it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Walk your dog; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute aerobic dance class or tai chi or kickboxing. But that's great when you're up to it. Meanwhile, move more. Thought for the day: Cha, Cha, Cha…. Then do it!

2. Cut FatAvoid the obvious such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats (i.e. pork, bacon, ham, salami, ribs and sausage). Dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts. Most are available in lower fat versions such as substitute butter, fat free cheeses and mayonnaise. Thought for the day: Lean, mean, fat-burning machine…. Then be one!

3. Quit Smoking The jury is definitely in on this verdict. Ever since 1960 when the Surgeon General announced that smoking was harmful to your health, Americans have been reducing their use of tobacco products that kill. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Could it be the Hollywood influence? It seems the stars in every movie of late smoke cigarettes. Beware. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' stance of Hollywood smokers. Thought for the day: Give up just one cigarette…. the next one.
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